Hardy Water Lilies » Large Spread Hardy Water Lilies » Nymphaea 'Moon Dance'

Waterford Gardens 74 E. Allendale Rd. Saddle River NJ 07458
201 327-0721
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Nymphaea 'Moon Dance'

A heavy blooming variety producing large white star shaped flowers 4” or more above the water surface. Nice speckled foliage with a large spread.


Florida Aquatic Nursery 1996


Creamy white petals and petaloids. Stellate flower shape. Flower size 6 in. Slightly sweet scent.


Top, olive green with chocolate and burgundy blotches; underside, grayish red with burgundy blotches. Oval leaf.


Large spread.


5-6 hours of direct sun.


Free flowering, Marliac-odorata rhizome.


“Moon Dance” won first prize in its category at the IWGS 2001 Banksian Trials.

SKU Description Price Order
MODA Moon Dance Hardy Water Lily $ 40.00 Add To Cart